Ashe Library showcases wonderful displays each month.

Recently, Roberta Durham shared some of her artistic, handmade books.
These books come in all sizes and are made from all sorts of media.
There are quotes, art, and random thoughts penned in the pages and on
the covers. There isn't really a way to fully describe the unique
style and designs of these books. A picture just doesn't do justice to
all you will discover by looking at these books. You need to see them
in real life! You may even be inspired to create some of your own. If
you missed Roberta's Book Exhibit. you can see the collection on display
at Grayson County Library in Independence, Virginia through the month
of April. If you saw these amazing books and want to see more, there
will be many more books to explore as her collection grows out of an ongoing obsession to create things with paper.

Blackout Poetry is another creative way books can be used to inspire
lyrical art.
Since April is National Poetry Month, there is a special
workshop planned for teens. Blacking out words on a page, while
choosing select words on the page that will remain visible, by sparing the ink,
highlighting, or surrounding them with art is a fun way to "find" a
poem, hidden in text. Rebecca Petruck,will lead the workshop and offer suggestions for finding poems on a printed page. Bring a friend and join us for this activity: April 21 @ 4:00 p.m. Discover and uncover words already on the page to have them mean and say how you feel ... a cool way to alter a book. It's recycled art!
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