Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Trees at Ashe Library ~ by, Karen Moll

Farm Bureau has joined the Friends of the Library in providing Christmas trees for the Ashe County Public Library. Both trees have a theme and will enhance your visit to the library during the Christmas season.

Friends of the Library, Vice-President Kathy Chefas and her Grassy Creek tree farm, Hart-T-Trees have once again donated a Christmas tree for the library. Staff had fun decorating the first floor tree, using much-loved ornaments from Christmases past while adding a few new ones that help set this year’s tree apart from previous trees.

Farm themed tree upstairs at the library.
The Ashe County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee wanted to showcase Ashe County agriculture while celebrating the holiday season.  Don Tucker of Tucker Tree Farm in Laurel Springs provided a tree to the committee, who in turn dressed this beautiful tree with all sorts of farm/agriculture-related decorations and notes. This tree, located on the second floor in the reference area, and its ornaments share all the benefits of agriculture in Ashe County, the United States, and throughout the world. These ladies also created an easel with the well-loved recitation by Paul Harvey, So God Made a Farmer.
County Librarian Suzanne Moore stated that the library staff and patrons were enjoying the trees while learning more about the library and farm facts. The Friends tree is literary surrounded by books and the location is near those really comfy chairs so patrons can pick up a nearby book, enjoy a cup of coffee, and read to their heart’s content! The Farm Bureau tree encourages young children and adults to be more aware of where their food originates, and the information provided on the tree and the easel creates a good learning tool for parents and grandparents.
Can you guess the number of books used to create this special tree?  

Moore shares her thanks with the Friends and the Farm Bureau in helping create a wonderful holiday setting to read and learn. These partnerships are helpful to patrons and vital to the library’s outreach. Moore invites residents and guests to take a break from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and drop by the library to re-energize.

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